Social Media Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents – Custom T-Shirt Giveaways

T-Shirt Printing For All - A Custom T-Shirts Podcast
T-Shirt Printing For All - A Custom T-Shirts Podcast
Social Media Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents - Custom T-Shirt Giveaways

Today we are getting together to talk about social media marketing ideas for real estate agents. 

social media marketing for real estate, real estate social media posts, real estate agent social media posts

Everybody talks about how social media marketing is a game of creating content. Lining up with major holidays, getting people to see what you do, and clearly communicating it blah blah blah! That’s great. But if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to see it, did it really fall? I think that is the question that most people need to answer when it comes to social media marketing.

How do you create a social media campaign for real estate agents that will be not only beneficial but fruitful? Well, you’re going to have to think of social media a little bit differently for that to happen. So first things first, we need to focus on the concept of what social media truly is. Social. Media. It’s media that is generated by your social circle. So thinking that you can create an ad on social media and immediately start creating money with it, is wrong. You need to stop thinking of social media marketing as a Direct Line approach. It is not something that you fire like a gun. Social media is like a net. You have to cast a big net and from there pull in. That is what is going to be fruitful to you.

For example, the trick in social media marketing is to promote ads to your target audience. You don’t have to really create an ad that gets people to want to buy a house from you. You need to create an ad that gets the right type of consumer to follow you on social media. So when they’re ready to buy a house, you’re there. That’s what you want to do if you’re on social media. Imagine this if you create an ad that says, the 1st 50 people that like this post follow us and tag a friend, get a free custom T-shirt. You can buy artwork for that free custom T-shirt. And then you can produce these T-shirts as needed. But the trick here is you’re giving out a free T shirt that looks cool.

But you’re targeting the content by promoted ads targeted to an audience that is relevant for you. Whether that’s based off of the ZIP code they live in, whether that’s based off of how much money they make, whether that’s based off of what they’ve done in the past. Either way. That is how you can do some social media marketing and start building that social media network.

If you have any questions you know where to find us, where the world of WDFA, we can help you with that shirt. We can help you with social media marketing ideas for real estate agents and T-Shirt Printing Services. 

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